Thursday, April 9, 2020

4 Tips to Keep Your Trees Strong and Healthy

It is always a cherishing experience to remain surrounded by trees. They beautify your premises and offer shade to rest in absolute peace.  They add great value to your property. So, you must care and nurture them well and they will be your true companions through generations providing a peaceful and serene background to your property. Maintaining a tree properly helps you to contribute to the environment. Trees help in reducing pollution prevents soil erosion and serves as a habitat for wildlife.  They also help in cutting the energy cost and induce a calming effect to mellow down the trials of day-to-day life. So, it is important that you must play your role efficiently to keep the trees strong and healthy. You can put the sincere effort in caring for your trees .and can also take the help of the experts offering services related to tree care in Croydon. Here are some important tips to make the effort fruitful.

4 Important Considerations for keeping the Trees Healthy

Plant the right tree at the right place: Select the species that will adapt to the climate of the location you are based in. The soil condition and the exposure to light also happens to be important considerations for planting a tree. There should be enough space to let the canopy spread well as the tree continues to grow. The planting should be done in a way that they should never be planted deep or in nearness to the foundation of the building, sidewalks, or underground utility lines.

Use stakes at an earlier stage: A tree tends to develop a stouter trunk if allowed to sway in the wind. At an earlier stage, if the tree is unable to stand on its own then arrange for a two-stake support system guarding the root ball on either side with a flexible tie in between. The moment it gains the strength to stand alone, remove the stake, preferably within a year.

Keep the grass away:  If you will let the grass to grow around the tree then it will surely pose a barrier against the tree getting adequate air, water and nourishment as a part of all these elements will be used up by the grass to grow. So, the tree will have a poor growth rate. Hence, it is important to maintain a mulched area free from the grass around the trunk to ensure the wellbeing of the tree.

Water, mulch, fertilise, and prune the trees well: It is important to continue with the essential care regime for the tree to grow well.  It should be watered regularly. Even a mature tree needs regular watering during the periods of drought. Water deeply to keep the roots saturated. Next, comes the application of fertilisers. It is like feeding the tree and offering necessary nourishment to it. A mature tree doesn’t need fertilisers much unless it is growing poorly and having yellow foliage. Proper mulching insulates the roots of the tree. They prevent the problem of dry soil and also keep the trees protected against lawnmowers. Make sure that the base of the trunk should never remain covered. Trim the tree properly to maintain the structure of the tree. They help in removing the deadwood. It is best to prune the trees when there is little or no leaves.
These are the necessary activities to keep your trees robust and in good health. Schedule them well with the help of a service provider offering tree care in Croydon. Manor Gardens is one of the trusted names you can trust all aspects of tree care at very affordable prices.

To know more about tree care visit: