Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Essential tips to maintain tree health

Some trees have the capacity to stand the test of time. They can withstand different weather conditions. There are trees that have a special place in the heart. You can enjoy being with them for life by taking proper care of them. Trees often develop dead branches and twigs. But those can be fixed to regain their health. Here are some useful tips for tree care Bromley. These are helpful to resolve tree issues and ensure a longer and healthier life for them.

Plant the right tree at the right venue – Choose a tree meant for your locality. Now find the right spot where it can get sufficient sunlight. The place should also provide it with enough space for full-grown canopy. Before digging, make sure you are not planting it very close to the underground utility lines, power lines or your house. Avoid planting it too deeply.

Water them in the proper manner – You must water the trees in the proper way. If there has been raining for a couple of weeks, the tree might not need immediate watering. Mature trees need one inch of water every week. However, in the case of new trees, you need to provide 4 to 9 gallons of water every week. This should be taken care of especially during the first one or two growing seasons.

Mulching is a must – Mulching is one of the most important aspects of tree care. It insulates the roots of the tree. It protects them from mower cuts while preventing dry soil. To ensure that the trees reap the benefits of mulching, remove grass underneath. Spread two to four inches of mulch. Don’t cover the trunk base.

Fertilize it properly – In the case of forests, there are natural plant materials. Such materials feed the soil around the plants sufficiently. But it is not possible in the yards. People rake and eliminate natural nutrients such as grass clippings and leaves. But this issue can be fixed with proper use of fertilizers. Apply any slow-release fertilizer on a regular basis. It will release needed nutrients into the soil around the trees. Test the soil at regular intervals. This helps to see if any nutrient is missing or insufficient.

Prune the trees regularly – Pruning is another important aspect of tree care in Bromley. Pruning improves the structure of trees. It helps in the removal of deadwood that holds them back. Major pruning should be done while the trees are dormant and don’t have any leave (if feasible). During summer, concentrate on tidying them up and cleaning out the dead, small and/or damaged twigs and branches.

Hire a professional – Hire a professional arborist for annual checkups. Make an appointment in advance. If you spot any signs of diseases or pests, you should call an expert even on an urgent basis. Usually, they look for red flags such as cankers, discoloured leaves, holes and so on. They can create a plan of action accordingly to fix the issue and regain the health of your tree.

As it comes to taking care of the trees, you should follow a few steps. Plant the right tree at the right venue. Water them in the proper manner. Mulching is a must. Fertilize them properly. Prune the trees regularly. Finally, hire a professional for an annual checkup.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Mandatory maintenance tips for your trees to keep them healthy

The key step to keep the trees healthy across the year is to know what type of trees you have. Knowing the type of trees will allow you to take care of them accordingly. And, that ensures a longer and healthier life for them. Proper tree care in Bromley is essential for the wellbeing of the trees.

Key steps to take care of trees

Here are the key things that you must do in order to take proper care of your trees.

1. Prune the trees
Pruning the trees means cutting off dead branches to ensure growth stimulation. It is allowed all through the year. However, this is a delicate job. And, you may not do that properly. As such, it would be good to hire a professional to prune the trees. Thinning or pruning the trees is done in order to eliminate diseased or dead branches from the tree. Thinning out the branches prevents unwanted crowding as well. It is to mention that crowding can slow down tree growth and be unappealing aesthetically.

2. Feed the trees
Feeding the trees means fertilizing and watering the same. Trees require nutrients that they get from the fertilizers. Tree fertilizers help them to grow taller and stronger. It can enhance the resilience against pests and diseases. On the other hand, watering is also needed for the proper growth of trees. How much watering is needed depends on the soil around the trees and the climate. If the tree is grown in an area with moderate rainfall, you won’t need to water it much. It is also essential for moisture-tolerant tree species. However, watering is essential right after planting a new tree. Usually, you need to water the tree for continuous 30 seconds with the help of a garden hose. Watering is one of the most important steps of tree care in Bromley.

3.  Mulch around the trees
Any kind of organic matter like pine needles, wood chips, bark, gravel and grass clippings can be mulch. Mulching around the trees means scattering such organic matters around them. 

Mulching offers a number of benefits and some of them are as follows:

Limits the growth of weeds – Too many weeds around the trees can drain essential nutrients from the trees. Mulching helps to prevent weeds from getting sufficient sunlight needed for their growth and thus it helps reduce the growth of weeds. Mulching rather eliminates their natural ability to grow. It keeps the unwanted weeds out and avoids root competition.

Reduces soil compaction – Mulching around the trees helps to redistribute soil compaction that occurs from heavy foot traffic.

Keeps the soil around the trees damp – Moist soil around the trees helps them to get underground water. Mulching helps to retain this moisture. It ensures that the soil nutrients stay around the trees and don’t get washed away easily. Mulching also helps to insulate the soil to provide sufficient buffer from both cold and heat.

In order to keep your trees healthy and growing, you need to take a few steps necessary. Prune the trees. Feed them well.  Mulching around the trees is also required for the betterment of the same.